About Us
About this site
This website was created for anyone interested in researching the families contained herein. The information provided here is due to the hard work and dedication of many that come before us and many that continue to diligently spend time and effort to verify and validate history. I wish I knew all their names but I can only recognize a few.
Bette Brownlow has spent countless hours and developed great relationship both here and abroad to compile great historical files on the Brownlow family from England, Ireland and many lines here in America. She has also established the foundation of the DNA genealogy research for most of the Brownlow lines.
Ron Calhoun has researched the Criswell family for many years. Through his diligence and we have many valuable records and historical documentation.
Bryan Brownlow, although new to genealogy, has become a great resource for the Georgia Brownlow line. He has also agreed to provide some administrative services for this website.
Without their contribution this site would not be possible.
I hope that as time allows I will be able to note the others that contribute. In the formal Family Tree, I am trying to note others that have contributed. Try to keep in mind that my goal is to make as much information available to anyone interested free. That is not always the case in today's internet, so I must follow the wishes of some that have compiled information. Others that have accomplished significant levels of research are less interested in sharing. If you find anything, I have published online that you have concerns with please let me know and I will work with you in every way possible.
It is our hope that we can provide to those that have interest, some level of value to their history. Again, we provide this freely and if you find something that you would like copies of, just let us know and we can make it available to you. Likewise, if you have corrections or additional information, we will work with you to fix or add your contributions.
We hope you enjoy our site and encourage you to use our Contact Us page for feedback and suggestions.
Information found within this website
This website could not have been made without the dedicated efforts of many researchers. I would like to thank past and current contributors but specifically Bette Brownlow, Ron Calhoun and Bryan Brownlow. Their detail research is an inspiration to those of us that strive to find our history.
Some of the documents and pictures have been collected from current family members also and along with items from web research which will be presented with in the context of the Brownlow Family. Some examples will be:
Family Pictures
Copies of personal documents
Copies of documents located on the internet
Links to other web sites with documents, pictures and other data related to the family members
Family Heraldry and documentation
Our Family Tree
We will provide links to other web sites with the same interest. Some information may or may not align but we believe each has put their hearts and souls in to trying to present the most accurate information possible.